History of Nature Painting

About Dinah Bowman:
A local artist and science illustrator brought the technique of Gyotaku to Texas from Japan over 50 years ago. She creates trophy prints for fishermen including state record Blue Marlin, and fine art pieces. Her art is included in the collection at the Smithsonian Institution. Dinah Bowman’s home gallery is located in Portland, Texas.
Presentation Summary:
Join us in learning about the importance and history of nature printing in science and art. Dinah Bowman’s remarkable works blend beauty with accuracy to create prints suitable for both textbook and canvas. In this presentation and demonstration, Dinah will take guests through the history of nature printing and how it impacted her professional journey. From the early techniques of plant rubbing used to share scientific knowledge across language and distance, to Gyotaku, the unique art of Japanese fish printing brought to South Texas by Dinah, we hope you will join us to gain a new appreciation for these techniques.