A Day With The Birds: Community Science & the Audubon Christmas Bird Count
This exhibit — created by the exhibits team at Kauffman Museum in North Newton, Kansas — invites visitors of all ages to explore the past, present and future of the National Audubon Christmas Bird Count, which was started in 1900 by Frank Chapman. The exhibit explores the history of community science and conservation in the United States through national and local stories. As organizations like the National Audubon Society took a key role in advocating for birds on a national level, small groups of concerned citizens like the Ruth Sisters in Halstead, Kansas, took it upon themselves to spend a day counting birds and reporting what they saw. The exhibit also explores bird population trends and what it takes to become a birder.

“The history and the future of the Audubon Christmas Bird Count are entirely dependent on the community scientists that take it upon themselves to take a stand for birds,” said Lorna Harder, lead curator for “A Day With the Birds. “This exhibit gives us an opportunity to learn about the history of the Audubon Christmas Bird Count, the current state of community science, and to provide inspiration to the next generation of birders.”
Exhibit Highlights:
- Be introduced to the National Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count story, past, present and future;
- Explore the significance of community science in tracking bird population trends as well as conservation of resident and neotropical migratory species;
- Encounter stories of local birders and global experts;
- Learn the natural history of a selection of winter birds, both rare and common;
- Identify local and national patterns of bird populations by species;
- Take the first step toward becoming community scientists;
- Engage in practices that conserve and protect bird species.